Digital X-Rays

Digital X-rays

Digital radiography is one of the latest technologies utilized in the field of dentistry. The

digital X-ray sensors are used for taking radiographs of traditional photographic film. The

advantages of this type of radiography include freedom from chemical-based developing

of the x-ray and secure transfer of the information of the radiographs. Also, less radiation

can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography.

Digital radiography uses a digital device for capturing the image of the tooth or structure

associated with it. The costly film procedure is eliminated along with saving a lot of time in every

patient as the traditional method made it difficult for the patients to adapt during the insertion of

the x-ray film. The special sensors are utilized in the digital radiography. This ensures proper

hygiene for the patient as well as the dentist. Patients appreciate the usage of firm infection

prevention measures taken along with the usage of the digital radiography in dentistry. This

provides a smooth and calm experience of the patients, thus improving the patient experience after

every dental treatment procedure.

The intraoral sensors have made the work of the radiography much more comfortable than earlier.

Taking radiographs is quite simpler than before. Patients appreciate the new concepts used in the

digital RVG x-rays and favor the utilization of these techniques and technologies. The digital

detector system has proved to be of great benefit over the traditional method of radiography. Also,

the exposure rate to the radiations has decreased to an appreciable extent. Only the structure

concerned with the patient’s problem is exposed to the x-rays. No other parts are exposed, which

reduces the exposure in the patients. This is one of the significant benefits of the digital RVG
